Seeing through the fog - new beginnings
With the arrival of Spring in the air and new life appearing everywhere, we find ourselves propelled in a refreshing way towards new beginnings, a time of freshness and new creation.

This is the natural order of the seasons of life... as one passes, so another is heralded into being. There is a new hope prevailing, daring to peep its way into what has been for most of us, an immensely challenging season in our lives. But where are you in this journey - are you ready, are you beginning to emerge, are you wondering what changes need to be made and how?
Most of us have experienced a degree of ongoing trauma from the time when Covid 19 hit. our shores and we were told back in March 2020 that we were going into a period of lockdown for three weeks. Three weeks seemed enough, but as we all know, three weeks continued intensely at first and then continued until where we are at today. Our lives were turned upside down - panic, the loss of the old order, loss of loved ones and a rapid need to readjust and reorient our lives. Suddenly we were not in control.
Psychologists name loss of control as being one of the key factors associated with trauma - an event that happens regardless of us can cause our bodies to react and go into survival mode. To a lessor or greater degree, we have all experienced this.
As we enter a period of relative Covid stability and try to rebuild our lives, more trauma has hit in the form of the atrocities of the Russian/Ukraine war. We are horrified as we witness millions of people fleeing for their lives with no control over their destiny or journey. What can we do? As events unfold, this too, is beyond our control
But there are things that we can do .....the purpose of this blog is two fold
To highlight the plight of trauma closer to home
To highlight the plight of trauma in the Ukraine
To offer ways to help others and ourselves find meaning, purpose and agency in this season. Together we can take the next steps.
As a fully qualified and practising life coach, I specialise in helping people to navigate their next steps... this may be around making decisions for the future (career or otherwise), managing change and transition, considering how to embrace new habits and identify harmful patterns with the aim of bringing about life transformation. Other areas would be around coaching parents, helping others to return to work, handling tricky relationships and some areas of trauma.
I believe that by allowing others time to process their thoughts, space and new ideas and ways emerge which empower and enable in. order to propel forward.
If you are someone who would benefit from Coaching and have a need to process as we emerge from Covid into a new era, I would love to offer you up to 4 sessions of free coaching, subject to a 10 minute introductory conversation in which we both ascertain if this is a good match for you.
I have space initially for up to 3 clients - although this is a free offer, I would like to suggest that if you are able, you make a donation which I will in turn donate to a charity concerned with providing much needed aid to our fellow humans in the Ukraine. If you feel you would benefit and cannot afford to make a contribution, that is fine too. The commitment is to turn up for your online sessions and to write a short review of your experience if you are willing.
Please see my website (details below) for further information as to what Coaching is and entails.
I look forward to hearing from you - together we can bring about change!